
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Chicken Fajita

This is not an authentic Mexican chicken fajita recipe. This recipe is with a slight desi touch, and has been made with all the ingredients that are easily available at your home. Please do try this and give me your feedback, like you always do. It really boost my confidence, and encourage me to share more recipes with y'all!

Ingredients for the Chicken marination:

Chicken boneless ½ kg (cut into strips)
Salt 1 tsp
Black pepper powder 1 tsp
Paprika powder 1 tsp (if you don't it, use ½ tsp of red chili powder instead)
Chili sauce 2 tbsp
Chili garlic sauce 1 tbsp
Vinegar 2 tbsp
Lemon juice 1 tbsp
Green chilies 2 finely chopped
Garlic paste 1 tsp
Ginger paste 1 tsp

Cucumber 1 (cut into small cubes)
Onion 1 medium (cut into small cubes)
Cabbage 1 cup (cut into small cubes)

Cream cheese to spread on Tortillas (as much required)
Lettuce leaves (optional)
Click on this link for Tortillas recipe 


  1. Marinade the boneless chicken with all the seasoning/sauces. Keep it aside for at least an hour. 

2. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a pan, cook till the chicken is thoroughly cooked. Now add the vegetables. Toss it for a minute. Turn off the stove. 
3. Spread cream cheese and mustard paste on the tortillas, put spoonful of cooked chicken on it, some lettuce leaves, and fold it like a roll.  Serve with the salsa!

* I am sorry for the bad quality picture, my camera's battery decided to ditch me at the last moment! 

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