
Saturday, February 25, 2012

French Toast

I love french toasts!! These bread slices soaked in egg and milk mixture then fried are ideal for breakfast. And it's super duper easy! Serve them with maple syrup, jam, butter, sprinkle icing sugar on the top, or serve as it is. I do not cut the edges of bread because I love how it gets crispy after frying. You can cut 'em, if you want!

Anyway, here is the recipe.


Medium bread slices 5-6 
Egg 1
Milk 1 cup
Sugar 3 tbsp
Vanilla essence ½ tsp
Cinnamon powder a pinch (optional)
Oil 3-4 tbsp for frying

  1. Simmer milk with sugar and cinnamon powder for just 4-5 minutes. Let it cool at room temperature.
  2. Add egg, and vanilla essence, whisk until combined well.
  3. Heat oil in a nonstick frying pan.
  4. Dip the bread slices in the mixture. Take them out immediately, don't let it soak for too long or the bread will break. Fry them on medium-low flame until golden brown in color.
  5. Serve hot! 


  1. simmering definition: to stew gently below or just at the boiling point...

    Lovely post. Will try fo sho. :)

  2. Try mixing Mascerpone cheese in the mix too... really adds to it :)
