
Friday, October 14, 2011

Gulaab Jamun

One of the most popular dessert in countries of the Indian Subcontinent. - Gulaab Jamun


Nido milk powder ½ cup
Yogurt 2 tbsp (beaten)
Baking soda ¼
Ghee 1 tbsp
Maida 2 tbsp
Cardamon powder ¼ tsp

For Sugar Syrup:

Sugar 2 cups
Water 1 ½ cups
Cardamon pods 2 slightly crushed

Ghee for frying
Pistachios for garnishing
Almonds for garnishing

  1. Add sugar, water and crushed cardamon pods in a pan and stir it then let it cook on medium flame for 5-10 minutes. Do not overcook or it will caramelize the sugar.
  2. Make the dough by combining milk powder, yogurt, baking soda, ghee, maida and cardamon powder. 
  3. Divide the dough into 15-18 small portions. 
  4. Make small balls by gently rolling each portion between your palms into a smooth ball.
  5. Heat ghee/oil in a wok. Slip in the ball into the hot oil from the side of the pan, one by one. 
  6. They will sink to the bottom of the wok. Do not stir. Keep the flame on medium-low. 
  7. The Gulab Jamuns would rise slowly to the top if the temperature is just right. 
  8. Now gently and constantly agitated to ensure even browning on all sides.
  9. Make sure the temperature of the oil is not too hot, else the gulab jumuns will break or cook too quickly.
  10. Now add fried Gulab Jamuns in warm sugar syrup. Leave it for at least 4-5 hours or overnight for best results. Serve warm or at room temperature. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Quick Pasta

A quick recipe of pasta is all you need when you have uninvited guests at your place. I love pasta, ANY sort of pastas! This is yet again my creation, very easy recipe with all the ingredients that are easily available at every home. Please try and do give me your feedback.


Chicken fillet 1 cut into julienne
Pasta any shape 2 cups (boiled)
Salt 1 tsp
Crushed black pepper ¼ tsp
Red chili flakes ¼ tsp
Tomato ketchup 4 tbsp
Chili garlic sauce 2 tbsp
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Curry powder (optional) 1 tsp
Cream 2 tbsp
Chicken cube 1
Garlic paste 1 tsp
Oil 1 tbsp

  1. Boil pasta according to the given instructions on the packet. Keep it aside.
  2. Now heat the oil in a pan, add garlic paste, and chicken. Saute until the chicken water dries on medium-high flame, add chicken cube, and ¼ cup water. 
  3. Put all the above seasonings, keep stirring until the sauce is semi-thick in consistency. 
  4. Add the boiled pasta, mix well and serve.

*You can also serve it with Garlic Bread.