
Monday, August 9, 2010

Coconut Truffles

I was really bored yesterday and was craving for something sweet. Oh, by the way, let me tell you all that I do have a sweet tooth and I can never resist sweet or chocolates, they are my guilty pleasure (haha). So I thought of making something sweet but at the same time quick!
So I went straight into the kitchen and to kill my boredom made Coconut Truffles, they're very easy and can be made within an hour, sharing the amazing and my most favorite recipe with y'll.

Desiccated Coconut 1 1/2 cup
Sweet Condensed Milk 1/4 cup
Icing Sugar 1/2 cup
Cooking Chocolate for coating

  1. Mix desiccated coconut, icing sugar and condensed milk in a bowl. 
  2. Make small balls with gentle hands and freeze them for an hour.
  3. Melt cooking chocolate on hot-water bath or double boiled till smooth. Let it cool for around 4-6 minutes then dip coconut balls in melted chocolate with the help of two forks, drip all the excess chocolate, take it out.
  4. Place them on a butter paper or in any dish.
  5. Sprinkle desiccated coconut on top or roll it in coconut (your choice).
  6. Allow the truffles to set in room temperature for a while then refrigerate it. 
  7. Serve when chilled.


  1. Your recipe is as cute as your blog :)
    Keep posting! Love your cooking.

  2. I LOVE this! I'll ask my sister to make this tonight. This is like home-made Bounty!
